Easy Germination

Easy Germination

Cannabis Propagator

Cannabis Propagator


Zativo caters to private customers only, and does not supply commercial or industrial growers with large amounts of cannabis seeds. If we have reason to suspect that the ordered seeds are destined for growing cannabis on a larger-than-private scale, we reserve the right to dismiss that specific order. 

Growing Medium for Cannabis Plants

A cannabis grow medium is the substance you decide to grow your cannabis plants in. Each type has its advantages and disadvantages, effecting how you cannabis will grow is one form or another. You will find that a variety of cultivators of varying skill levels all have their own personal favorites and it will come down to time and experience for you to work out what is best for you.

Growing mediums tend to fall into one of two categories, either soil based growth mediums that usually contain a natural organic nutrient content; or hydroponic based growth mediums, such as clay pellets or rockwool - these usually have no nutritional content.

The following articles should give you an understanding of the two categories and the advantages and disadvantages of the individual types of medium that fall within them.